"We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate." Thomas Jefferson
Hill Country Texas League of Women Voters: Legislative Report as of February 7, 2025
Reference BB LWV Legislature 2025 Leg Report - Bandera
The 89th Session of the Texas Legislature opened on Tuesday, January 14th as the first day of the
Regular Session. The filing period for bills opened on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 and will close
on Friday, March 14th. The last day of the Regular Session is Monday, June 2nd.
An easy way to follow the bills filed by each of the legislators - use LegiScan.
Enter words - LegiScan and last name of the Texas Legislator.
Or go to home page website: https://legiscan.com/TX
Senator Pete Flores SD24 (R-Pleasanton) serves 12 counties in including Bandera, Gillespie, Kerr,
and Llano. He has filed 40 bills as of February 1, 2025 and is the co-author on 5 of those. Two bills
propose Amendments to the Texas Constitution: one proposing a CA establish a parent's right to
direct a child's education and one relating to taxes on a homestead. Flores was appointed to the
following committees by the Lt. Governor: Criminal Justice - Chair, Border Security - Vice Chair,
Finance, and Natural Resources. He is retired from Texas Parks and Wildlife as a Game Warden.
Senator Flores was elected in 2022 and his term ends in 2026.
Capitol Office: E1.808 (512-463-0124)
Chief of Staff: Harold W. Stone/Scheduler: Marjorie L. Kamys
Policy Analysts: William Howe & Emma Barton
District Office-Highland Lakes: 500 West Young Suite D in Llano
District Liaison-Hill Country: Willie Gonzales (325-247-1080)
District Office-Hill Country: Schreiner One Center 819 Water Street, Suite 164 in Kerrville
District Liaison-Hill Country: Maria Pruneda (830-896-9816) Email: maria.pruneda@senate.texas.gov
Representative Wesley Virdell HD53 (R-Brady) serves 16 counties in including Bandera, Kerr, and
Llano. He has filed 19 bills as of February 1, 2025: 2 bills call for regulations of battery storage
facilities; 4 bills are related to guns; and 6 bills related to Department of Public Safety and
regulations including license plates and vehicles. One bill proposes an Amendment to the Texas
Constitution: proposing a CA that the federal government has no authority to regulate guns in this
state. The Speaker of the Texas House has not yet announced the committee assignments. He
served in the United States Air Force, working on missiles, and serves as the Coordinator for Gun
Owners of America - Texas Hill Country. Representative Virdell is serving his first term, which ends
in 2026.
Capitol Office: E2.304 (512-463-0536)
Chief of Staff: Kody Smith/Legislative Director: Elliott Parisi
District Office-Kerrville: Wells Fargo Bank Building @ Five Points 301 Junction Highway Suite 254
District Liaison-Kerrville: Barbara Dewell Ferguson Email: barbara.ferguson@house.texas.gov
Per Barbara today - the office phone is not installed yet.
Reference BB LWV Legislature 2025 Leg Report - Bandera​